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What the World Needs Now

“What is the point of this story
What information pertains
The thought that life could be better
Is woven indelibly Into our hearts and our brains.”
“Train in the Distance”: Lyrics by Paul Simon

Hope is one of the most powerful and complex emotional resources at our disposal. Living with the anticipation for a certain thing (or things) we desire to happen helps to protect us from the stresses of life. Somebody we love falls ill and those with hope are sustained and comforted by the hope that their loved one will feel better soon. We sow seeds in the soil hoping for flowers. We open BerkshireStyle in the hope of finding beauty and inspiration*.

When it comes to the quality of our daily lives, hope matters a great deal. It is often said that it is so essential to wellbeing that there is literally “no life without hope”. It is key to physical and emotional wellbeing, helps us be the very best versions of ourselves and even strengthens our immune systems.

A strong faith and belief in “something” bigger than ourselves sustains many of us. It may be a higher power, it may be a movement or even an institution. So powerful a force is this that, when harnessed by charismatic leaders, it can literally change the course of history for both good and ill.

In today’s world, however, even the most hopeful of us can fall prey to hopelessness. No matter our affiliations, no matter the strength of our spiritual beliefs, bearing witness to the erosion of our institutions, the degradation of our planet and the breakdown of relations between people and nations can chip away at the hope that things will be better.

Human beings need connection for we are by nature social. The very fabric of the hope in our hearts is woven out of the threads of our connectivity with others and our connection with the earth. When these threads are threatened it is little wonder we can feel hopeless. And hopelessness can be damagingly contagious.

So not only do we owe it to ourselves to work on raising our spirits, we also have an obligation to do it for one another. Simple strategies that care for ourselves and offer connection to others go a long way: getting enough sleep, going for a walk, listing what you’re grateful for, offering a helping hand, taking time to talk to a stranger, being kind and making the most of your screen time.

The beauty of nurturing hope is that it is also self-sustaining. As hopeful people we tend to be more enthusiastic and trusting. By seeking the good in things we are more resilient, motivated and open to trying new things. We strive for our goals and dare to dream big. We are inspirational and nicer to be around. People are drawn to us and we attract more positivity, while those around us, in their turn, feel more hopeful.

We are all in this together! Be a beacon of hope. Hope walks hand in hand with love and that’s what the world needs now…

*With BerkshireStyle our hopes are always fulfilled!
